Knjiga 164


Odabrane poeme iz knjige "Dvadeset sedam hiljada izdanaka težnje", deo 164.




Do not wait until you have

A perfect consciousness!

It is always better

            To serve God

And to do something good

            For humanity



Ne čekaj da postigneš

Savršenu svest!

Uvek je bolje

            Služiti Boga

I učiniti nešto dobro

            Za čovečanstvo





You will lose

Your friendship with God

If you think

That your version of truth

Is the only accurate

And perfect one.



Božje prijateljstvo

Ako misliš

Da je tvoja verzija istine

Jedina tačna

I savršena verzija.




To free yourself

From earth-desires,

You need to sow aspiration-seeds

In your heart-garden.


Da bi se oslobodio

Zemaljskih želja,

Treba da seješ seme težnje

U vrtu svog srca.





Many older seekers feel

That they have one foot in the grave,

Or that they can enjoy


Absolutely untrue!

God wishes all His children,

            Young and old,

To have the same sleepless determination,

Enthusiasm and willingness

            To serve Him.



Mnogi stariji tragaoci osećaju

Da imaju jednu nogu u grobu,

Ili da mogu da uživaju

            U penzionerskoj opuštenosti.

Apsolutno pogrešno!

Bog želi da sva Njegova deca,

            Mlada i stara,

Imaju istu besanu odlučnost,

Entuzijazam i spremnost

            Da Ga služe.




            If you look

From the mountaintop of aspiration

At your many problems,

They will seem very small.


            Ako pogledaš

Svoje mnogobrojne probleme

S planinskog vrhunca težnje,

Oni će ti izgledati sasvim mali.




You are very happy and proud

That you have climbed up

            The aspiration-tree.

But still you must reach

The high, higher, highest branches!


Vrlo si srećan i ponosan

Što si se popeo

            Na drvo težnje.

Ali još uvek moraš da dosegneš

Visoke, više, najviše grane!




Why are you unhappy

While you are with your Master?

Because although your body is with Him,

Your mind is somewhere else!


Zašto si nesrećan

Kad si sa svojim Učiteljem?

Zato što dok je tvoje telo s Njim,

Tvoj um je negde drugde!




You may not be able

To work for God

In a perfect consciousness.

But at least work for Him

With your imperfect consciousness!


Možda nećeš moći

Da radiš za Boga

U savršenoj svesti.

Ali barem radi za Njega

Sa svojom nesavršenom svešću!




            To be happy,

You don't have to be

Near your Master outwardly -

            Just inwardly!


            Da bi bio srećan,

Ne moraš da budeš

Blizu svog Učitelja spolja -

            Samo iznutra!




No matter where they go,

People who have lots of complaints

            Will never be happy.


Bez obzira gde idu,

Ljudi koji imaju puno primedbi

            Nikad neće biti srećni.




The seeker-farmer has to plough

And sow the aspiration-seeds.

Then only from Above

God's Compassion-Rain will descend

To produce a rich harvest eventually.


Tragalac-ratar mora da uzore

I poseje seme težnje.

Tek tad će se Odozgo

Spustiti Kiša Božje Milosti

Da proizvede bogatu žetvu.



Prevod: Dejan Maksimović