Knjiga 12


Odabrane poeme iz knjige "Dvadeset sedam hiljada izdanaka težnje", deo 12.

Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 12.

Dvadeset sedam hiljada izdanaka težnje, deo 12, naslovna strana (1983.).




            You are good,

But you want to be better.

            You can be better

Only by having a gratitude-heart.


            You are better,

But you want to be best.

            You can be best

Only by becoming a surrender-life.



            Ti si dobar,

Ali želiš da budeš bolji.

            Možeš da budeš bolji

Jedino tako što ćeš imati srce zahvalnosti.

            Ti si bolji,

Ali želiš da postaneš najbolji.

            Možeš da budeš najbolji

Jedino tako što ćeš postati život predaje.






If you can imagine your future,

            You are great.

If you can build your future,

            You are good.

If you can surrender your future to God

For Him to use in His own Way,

            You are perfect.



Ako umeš da zamisliš svoju budućnost,

            Ti si veliki.

Ako umeš da izgradiš svoju budućnost,

            Ti si dobar.

Ako umeš da predaš svoju budućnost Bogu

Da je On koristi na Njegov sopstveni Način,

            Onda si savršen.






I take each failure as an opportunity

To increase my surrender

            And destroy my frustration-life.



Ja prihvatam svaki neuspeh kao priliku

Da uvećam moju predanost

            I uništim moj život frustracije.






If you give to your Beloved Supreme

What you have and what you are,

            A frustration-pool,

Then you can become

What He has and what He is:

            The Satisfaction-Ocean.



Ako predaš tvom Voljenom Svevišnjem

Ono što imaš i ono što jesi,

            Rezervoar frustracije,

Onda možeš da postaneš

Ono što On ima i ono što On jeste:

            Okean Zadovoljstva.






            Do not expect

What is beyond your capacity to receive.

            Do not expect

What is beyond your capacity to achieve.

Otherwise, there will be a serious crash

Between your expectation-car

            And your reality-train.



            Ne očekuj

Ono što je iznad tvoje sposobnosti da primiš.

            Ne očekuj

Ono što je iznad tvoje sposobnosti da postigneš.

U suprotnom, desiće se ozbiljan sudar

Između tvojih kola očekivanja

            I tvog voza realnosti.






When I am able to surrender

What I have and what I am

To my Eternity's Beloved Supreme,

I become inseparably one

With His Infinity's Delight.



Kad uspem da predam

Ono što imam i ono što jesam

Voljenom Svevišnjem moje Večnosti,

Ja postajem nerazdvojno jedno

S Njegovim Blaženstvom Beskraja.






If tomorrow I become a better person,

I must offer that better life of mine

            To God.

If the next day I again become worse,

I must cheerfully offer that life, too,

            To God.

In this way each day

I can go one step forward

Toward my ultimate


                        With my Beloved Supreme.



Ako sutra postanem bolja osoba,

Moram da ponudim taj moj bolji život


Ako dan kasnije opet postanem gori,

Moram radosno da ponudim i taj život


Na ovaj način svakog dana

Mogu da napredujem jedan korak

Prema mom konačnom

            Blaženstvu savršenog jedinstva

                        S mojim Voljenim Svevišnjim.






One day you may be spiritually lame,

And the next day you are the fastest sprinter.

            True surrender is to offer

Both your slowness and your speed,

Whatever you have and whatever you are,

To your life's Absolute Supreme,

            And to nobody else.



Jednog dana možda si duhovni bogalj,

A sledećeg dana si najbrži sprinter.

            Istinska predaja da ponudiš

I tvoju sporost i tvoju brzinu,

Šta god imaš i šta god jesi,

Apsolutnom Svevišnjem tvog života

            I nikom drugom.






If you see your enemy coming,

You can close the doors and windows

Of your life

            To keep him out.

But if your enemy

Is already comfortably settled

            Inside your heart-room,

It is not an easy task

To grab him and throw him out.

Therefore be extremely careful

            Of your enemy within.



Ako vidiš tvog neprijatelja kako dolazi,

Možeš da zatvoriš vrata i prozore

Tvog života

            I sprečiš ga da uđe.

Ali ako se tvoj neprijatelj

Već udobno smestio

            U sobi tvog srca,

Onda nije lak zadatak

Da ga zgrabiš i izbaciš napolje.

Zato se dobro čuvaj

            Tvog neprijatelja iznutra.






My human mind tells me

That you are lethargic

            Because I get up long before you.

My divine heart tells me

That you have worked very hard,

Therefore your chosen hour

            Is the right time for you to get up.



Moj ljudski um kaže mi

Da si letargičan

            Jer ja ustajem mnogo ranije od tebe.

Moje božansko srce kaže mi

Da si vrlo naporno radio,

Zato je tvoj odabrani čas

            Ispravno vreme za tebe da ustaneš.






An idea has entered into your mind:

            "I am very bad, impure, undivine!"

You must replace it immediately

            With another idea:

            "I am God's child,

So how can I be impure and undivine?

            Totaly absurd!"



Jedna ideja ušla je u tvoj um:

            "Ja sam vrlo loš, nečist, nebožanski!"

Moraš smesta da je zameniš

            Drugom idejom:

            "Ja sam Božje dete,

Kako onda mogu da budem nečist i nebožanski?

            Potpuno nezamislivo!"






            In your meditation

If you are desperately trying

            To reach the acme of perfection

But you are failing,

            Do not give up.

As one who does the long jump

Rests in between each attempt,

            Wait and try again.

Who knows, in your next attempt

You may do extremely well.



            U tvojoj meditaciji,

Ako očajnički pokušavaš

            Da dosegneš vrhunac savršenstva,

Ali ti ne ide,

            Nemoj da odustaneš.

Kao što skakač u dalj

Odmara između dva pokušaja,

            Sačekaj i pokušaj ponovo.

Ko zna, u tvoj sledećem pokušaju

Možda će ti ići vrlo dobro.






There are many who do not want to try

            To succeed in the spiritual life.

But you must be a hero-warrior

Who will try again and again

            Until success-satisfaction is won.



Ima mnogo onih koji ne žele da pokušaju

            Da uspeju u duhovnom životu.

Ali ti moraš da budeš herojski ratnik

Koji će pokušavati ponovo i ponovo

            Sve dok ne postigne zadovoljstvo uspeha.






I am a tiny drop

Inside an infinite ocean of light.

I have only to expand slowly and steadily

            To become the ocean itself,

And then I shall unmistakably

Be able to claim the entire ocean

            As my own, very own.



Ja sam sićušna kap

U beskrajnom okeanu svetlosti.

Ja samo moram da rastem lagano i neprestano

            Dok ne postanem sam okean,

I onda ću napogrešivo

Moći da smatram celi okean

            Lično mojim, mojim sopstvenim.






            O my Inner Pilot,

I have not done anything.

It is You who have done everything

            In and through me.

Now may I become only one thing

For the rest of my life:

            A gratitude-heart within and without.



            O moj Unutrašnji Kormilaru,

Ja nisam učinio ništa.

Ti si onaj koji je učinio sve

            U meni i kroz mene.

Neka postanem samo jedno

Od sad pa do kraja mog života:

            Srce zahvalnosti iznutra i spolja.




Izbor i prevod: Dejan Maksimović