Knjiga 94

Odabrane poeme iz knjige Deset hiljada cvet-plamenova, deo 94.

Naslovna strana knjige 10,000 cvet-plamenova, deo 94

Deset hiljada cvet-plamenova, deo 94 (1983.)



9308. MY EGO TALKS My ego talks, My humility acts. 9308. MOJ EGO GOVORI Moj ego govori, Moja skromnost čini.
9311. GREATNESS AND GLORY Greatness and glory Live together. Goodness and satisfaction Live together. 9311. VELIČINA I SLAVA Veličina i slava Žive zajedno. Dobrota i zadovoljstvo Žive zajedno.
9312. WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW My Lord, Since I am not always conscious Of what I do, Right now I may not know What I am doing. But I do know What You are doing right now. You are thinking of me And forgiving me. 9312. ŠTA RADIŠ U OVOM TRENUTKU Moj Gospode, Pošto nisam uvek svestan Šta radim, U ovom trenutku možda ne znam Šta radim. Ali znam Šta Ti radiš u ovom trenutku. Misliš na mene I opraštaš mi.
9349. HOW CAN IT BE POSSIBLE? How can it be possible? You love God, But you do not love The chosen children of God. How can it be possible? 9349. KAKO TO MOŽE? Kako to može? Voliš Boga, A ne voliš Njegovu izabranu decu. Kako to može?
9365. THE SUPREME VICTORY IN LIFE There are only two ways To achieve and declare The supreme Victory in life. One way is to feel That you are nothing, absolutely nothing, On the strength of your sincere humility. The other way is to feel That you are everything, absolutely everything, On the strength of your perfect oneness With God's Love, Peace and Power. 9365. SVEVIŠNJA POBEDA U ŽIVOTU Postoje samo dva načina Da se postigne i proglasi Svevišnja Pobeda u životu. Jedan način je da osećaš Da si ništa, apsolutno ništa, Na osnovu snage tvoje iskrene poniznosti. Drugi način je da osećaš Da si sve, apsolutno sve, Na osnovu snage tvog savršenog jedinstva Sa Božjom Ljubavlju, Mirom i Moći.
9367. FLOODED WITH DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS When one is flooded With divine consciousness, One becomes a perfect representative Of God on earth. 9367. ISPUNJEN BOŽANSKOM SVEŠĆU Kad je neko ispunjen Božanskom svešću, On postaje savršeni predstavnik Boga na Zemlji.
9372. THE BEST THING YOU CAN GIVE To a friend, The best thing you can give Is your heart's sweetness. To an enemy, The best thing you can give Is your soul's forgiveness. 9372. NAJBOLJE ŠTO MOŽEŠ DA DAŠ Najbolje što možeš da daš Prijatelju Je slatkoća tvog srca. Najbolje što možeš da daš Neprijatelju Je oproštaj tvoje duše.
9376. THE MESSAGE OF THE SUPREME The Message of the Supreme For aspiring humanity: "If you have, Then be happy; If you don't have, Then be equally happy." 9376. PORUKA OD SVEVIŠNJEG Poruka od Svevišnjeg Za čovečanstvo koje teži: "Ako imaš, Budi srećan. Ako nemaš, Budi jednako srećan."
9377. HAPPY AND UNHAPPY On his birthday He was both happy and unhappy. He was happy because His friends were congratulating him. He was unhappy because He had accomplished so little During so many years on earth. 9377. SREĆAN I NESREĆAN Na njegov rođendan, Bio je i srećan i nesrećan. Bio je srećan Jer su mu njegovi prijatelji čestitali. Bio je nesrećan Jer je postigao tako malo U tako mnogo godina na Zemlji.
9378. HUMAN MUSIC, DIVINE MUSIC Human music Feeds the vital of mankind. Divine music Serves the heart of mankind. 9378. LJUDSKA MUZIKA, BOŽANSKA MUZIKA Ljudska muzika Hrani životnu energiju čovečanstva. Božanska muzika Služi srcu čovečanstva.
9380. TO EXPEDITE YOUR PROGRESS How to expedite your progress, Inner and outer? Be cheerful, be dynamic And always do the needful, Inwardly and outwardly. 9380. DA UBRZAŠ SVOJ NAPREDAK Kako da ubrzaš svoj napredak, Unutrašnji i spoljašnji? Budi radostan, budi dinamičan I uvek učini šta je potrebno, Iznutra i spolja.
9383. DIVE DEEP WITHIN Dive deep within and you will discover That inside your body is your heart, Inside your heart is your soul, And inside your soul is God. 9383. ZARONI DUBOKO UNUTRA Zaroni duboko unutra i otkrićeš: U tvom telu je tvoje srce, U tvom srcu je tvoja duša, A u tvojoj duši je Bog.
9384. DIFFICULT TO REMEMBER It is very easy to surrender What we have: Ignorance. But it is very difficult to remember Who we are: God's chosen children. 9384. TEŠKO SETITI SE Vrlo je lako dati Što imamo: Neznanje. Ali vrlo je teško setiti se Ko smo: Božja izabrana deca.
9386. PEACE MEANS PERFECTION Peace does not mean Seclusion. Peace means the perfection Of oneness-life. 9386. MIR ZNAČI SAVRŠENSTVO Mir ne znači Povlačenje. Mir znači savršenstvo Života jedinstva.

Preveo: Dejan Maksimović