Trči i postani, 16

Trči i postani, postani i trči, 16. deo


Run and Become, Become and Run, part 16.

Trči i postani, postani i trči, 16. deo, naslovna stranica originala (1985).


Izabrane priče-anegdote iz knjige Trči i postani, postani i trči, deo 16:





            So many times I have seen Bob Wise walking in the 1,000-mile race. Previously he never smiled at me. But today, on the fifth day of the race, he smiled at me and started clapping.

--5 May 1985


            Bob Vajza sam sreo mnogo puta tokom trke na 1000 milja. Ranije mi se nikad nije nasmešio. Ali danas, petog dana trke, nasmešio mi se i počeo da aplaudira.

--5. maj 1985.





            Today at five o’clock in the afternoon, Bob Wise, the walker in our 1,000-mile race, looked at me and said, “Good morning!”

            I told him also, “Good morning.”

--10 May 1985




            Danas u pet sati popodne, Bob Vajz, hodač u našoj trci na 1000 milja, pogledao me i rekao: "Dobro jutro!"

            I ja sam njemu uzvratio: "Dobro jutro."

--10. maj 1985.





            The end of the 1,000-mile race was on the 6:30 news last night on television. When they mentioned my name, they had trouble with “Sri”; they said, “Sir.” They called me “Sir Chinmoy, the Queens Fitness Guru.”

--17 May 1985



            Finiš trke na 1000 milja prikazan je u sinoćnom dnevniku u 18:30 na televiziji. Kad su pomenuli moje ime, imali su problema sa "Sri". Rekli su "Ser". Nazvali su me "Ser Činmoj, Fitnes Guru iz Kvinsa".

--17. maj 1985.





            Originally I wanted to run seven miles every day during the 1,000-mile race. I felt that if I tried to do 13 miles, I would not be able to continue. But at the end of the race I had completed 208 miles – an average of 13 miles a day for the 16 days of the race.

            Three people completed the full distance: 1,000 miles! Here is the proof that there are a few things the mind cannot understand – when the soul operates through the heart or through the vital. To run 1,000 miles is beyond the comprehension of the mind; the mind cannot imagine it!

            Perhaps now people will be inspired to sponsor 1,000-mile races.

            By the first week of August I do hope to complete my 1,000 miles. I am going on, going on. God knows if I can do it!

--17 May 1985



            Zapravo sam želeo da trčim sedam milja svakog dana tokom trke na 1000 milja. Osećao sam da ako bih pokušao da trčim 13 milja, ne bih mogao da održim takav tempo. Ali do kraja trke istrčao sam 208 milja -- u proseku 13 milja dnevno tokom 16 dana trke.

            Tri trkača su istrčali celu distancu: 1000 milja! Ovde je dokaz da postoje neke stvari koje um ne može da razume -- kad duša deluje kroz srce ili kroz vital. Trčati 1000 milja je iznad poimanja uma. Um to ne može da zamisli!

            Možda će sad ljudi biti inspirisani da organizuju trke na 1000 milja.

            Do kraja prve nedelje avgusta nadam se da završim mojih 1000 milja. Trčim i trčim. Bog zna da li ću uspeti!

--17. maj 1985.






            When I run mile after mile, I meditate. When I don’t feel like meditating, I sing in silence. I have lists of songs that I play on the double bass, cello, violin, Moroccan instrument, Chinese instrument and harp. There are about 40 songs altogether. While running I sing each song inwardly, only once. In this way, when I go out of the house, I kill three or four birds at once.

            This morning at 7:00 I went four miles. I sang very soulfully, in a prayerful way.

            When I walk, my mind says, “Once upon a time, you used to walk at an 11 or 13-minute pace. Now you are walking at a 17 or 18-minute pace.” So the mind brings discouragement. But then I play a trick on the mind. I say, “Yes, it is a 20-minute pace, but I am gaining in another way. I am meditating longer.”

            At home I have millions of problems to deal with. In these 20 minutes when I am walking, I am all by myself; so I am very happy. If I take three minutes more, who cares? Nature is helping me. With nature’s beauty I am meditating. The mind brings discouragement, but then I tell my mind that for 20 minutes without interruption I am able to meditate. So the mind remains silent. We have to be super-smart when the mind wants to discourage us.

--20 May 1985



            Kad trčim milju za miljom, ja meditiram. Kad mi se ne meditira, ja pevam u sebi. Imam liste pesama koje sviram na kontrabasu, čelu, violini, marokanskom instrumentu, kineskom instrumentu i harfi. Sve u svemu, oko 40 pesama. Dok trčim, pevam svaku pesmu u sebi po jednom. Na ovaj način, kad izađem iz kuće, ja ubijem nekoliko muva odjednom.

            Ovog jutra u 7:00 hodao sam četiri milje. Pevao sam vrlo duševno, na molitven način.

            Kad hodam, moj um kaže: "Nekad davno, hodao si milju za 11 ili 13 minuta. Sad hodaš za 17 ili 18." Tako me um obeshrabruje. Ali ja onda upotrebim trik protiv uma. Kažem: "Da, to je milja za 20 minuta. Ali ja dobijam na drugoj strani. Duže meditiram."

            Kod kuće imam milione problema koje moram da rešavam. Tokom tih 20 minuta kad hodam, ja sam sam sa sobom. Tad sam vrlo srećan. Ako mi treba tri minuta duže, ko mari? Priroda mi pomaže. Meditiram u lepoti prirode. Um me obeshrabruje, ali onda ja kažem umu da za 20 minuta bez prekida mogu da meditiram. Tad se um ućuti. Moramo da budemo super-pametni kad um hoće da nas obeshrabri.

--20. maj 1985.






            Last week two children came up to me while I was walking and wanted to walk with me. One asked why I was wearing the belt that I always use to support my back. I smiled at him.

            The other one said, “Can’t you see that he is fat?” So they had an argument. They walked with me for about 400 meters arguing back and forth. I was enjoying the argument.

--31 May 1985



            Prošle nedelje dva dečaka su mi prišla dok sam hodao i hteli su da hodaju sa mnom. Jedan me upitao zašto nosim pojas, koji ja koristim da učvrstim kičmu. Ja sam mu se samo nasmešio.

            Drugi je rekao: "Zar ne vidiš da je debeo?" I tako su počeli da se raspravljaju. Hodali su sa mnom nekih 400 metara razmenjujući argumente. A ja sam uživao u raspravi.

--31. maj 1985.






            When I used to practice running in the ashram when I was young, I used to feel sorry for Mother Earth because my legs were so strong and powerful. I felt I was hurting the ground when I ran. When I did the hop, skip and jump, my hop was so powerful that again I felt I was hurting Mother Earth. But now when I run, I find the ground so hard that it hurts me. Mother Earth should bless me now!

            I even feel the difference between the sidewalk and the street. The sidewalk is so much harder than the street. Even when I run on the track at St. John’s University, the track hurts my legs.

            In the ashram I used to go out running barefoot at four o’clock in the morning, and I wouldn’t even notice that the ground was hard. Then when I went out at six o’clock, after it had become light, I would see pieces of glass in the places where I had been running. So the Supreme had saved me!

--10 June 1985



            U mladosti, kad bih trenirao trčanje u ašramu, bilo mi je žao Majke Zemlje, jer moje noge su bile tako snažne i moćne. Osećao sam da povređujem zemlju kad bih trčao. Kad sam radio troskok, moj odraz je bio tako moćan da sam opet osećao da povređujem Majku Zemlju. Ali sad kad trčim, zemlja je tako tvrda da me to boli. Majka Zemlja bi sad trebalo da me blagoslovi!

            Čak osećam razliku između trotoara i ulice. Trotoar je mnogo tvrđi nego ulica. Čak i kad trčim na atletskoj stazi Sent Džon univerziteta, tartan mi povređuje noge.

            U ašramu bih izlazio na trčanje bosonog u četiri ujutru i ne bih čak ni primetio da je zemlja tvrda. Onda kad bih izašao napolje u šest sati, pošto se razdanilo, video bih komade stakla tamo gde sam tog jutra trčao. Dakle, Svevišnji me spasio!

--10. jun 1985.





Izbor i prevod: Dejan Maksimović