Ti, 51-100

Poeme 51 - 100


Ti - naslovna stranica

Ti - naslovna stranica.

50. You have the right to fill the world's aspiring heart. Ti imaš prava da ispuniš težeće srce sveta. 51. You have the right to control the world's restless vital. Ti imaš prava da kontrolišeš nemirni vital sveta. 52. You have the right to energise the world's sleeping body. Ti imaš pravo da okrepljuješ uspavano telo sveta. 53. You and God work together. You wish to cover the length of God's Infinity. God wants to lengthen the limit of His Infinity. Ti i Bog radite zajedno. Ti želiš da prevališ dužinu Božjeg Beskraja. Bog želi da protegne granice Svog Beskraja. 54. You and God run together. Eternity smiles at you. Eternity shows its identification to God. Ti i Bog trčite zajedno. Večnost se tebi smeši. Večnost Bogu pokazuje svoje poistovećenje. 55. You and God fly together. Immortality blesses your head. Immortality kisses God's Feet. Ti i Bog letite zajedno. Besmrtnost blagosilja tvoju glavu. Besmrtnost celiva Božja Stopala. 56. You and impossibility never see each other. Ti i nemogućnost nikad se ne viđate. 57. You always attune yourself to God's ever-widening Vision and ever-manifesting Will. Ti se uvek usklađuješ sa Božjom stalno širećom Vizijom i stalno ispoljavajućom Voljom. 58. You rise with God and shine with man. Ti svićeš s Bogom i sijaš s čovekom. 59. You have the willpower to silence the roaring ignorance-lion. Ti imaš moć volje da utišaš ričućeg lava neznanja. 60. You take God's responsibility as your very own. Ti prihvataš Božje odgovornosti kao svoje sopstvene. 61. You are humanity's link with the Lord Supreme. Ti si veza čovečanstva sa Gospodom Svevišnjim. 62. You are humanity's doctor and Divinity's Medicine. Ti si čovečanstvu lekar i Lek od Boga. 63. You are God's ever-transcending height and ever-manifesting length. Ti si Božja večno prevazilaženja visina i večno ispoljavajuća širina. 64. You are God's best gift to man and man's best gift to God. Ti si Božji najbolji poklon čoveku i čovekov najbolji poklon Bogu. 65. You will divinise humanity's body and immortalise Divinity's unconditional Compassion. Ti ćeš obogotvoriti telo čovečanstva i obesmrtiti bezuslovnu Samilost Božansku. 66. You have conquered Divinity's Heart, and humanity has conquered your heart. Ti si osvojio Srce Božansko, čovečanstvo je osvojilo tvoje srce. 67. You have forgiven the world, therefore the world still exists. Ti si oprostio svetu, zbog toga svet još uvek postoji. 68. You are born to love man and be loved by God. Ti si rođen da voliš čoveka i da Bog voli tebe. 69. You experience God's Perfection. God experiences your power of participation in His cosmic Lila. Ti doživljavaš Božje Savršenstvo. Bog doživljava tvoju moć da učestvuješ u Njegovoj kosmičkoj Lili. 70. You say that the Kingdom of Heaven is not only within you but also for you. Ti kažeš da je Carstvo Nebesko ne samo u tebi, već i za tebe. 71. You love science because you want to see God's Body. Ti voliš nauku jer želiš da sagledaš Božje Telo. 72. You love spirituality because you want to feel God's Heart. Ti voliš duhovnost jer želiš da osetiš Božje Srce. 73. You are the Face of Reality. You are the Smile of Totality. Ti si Lice Stvarnosti. Ti si Osmeh Sveukupnosti. 74. You and God's Mind are eternally old. Ti i Božji Um večno ste stari. 75. You and God's Heart are eternally fresh and young. Ti i Božje Srce večno ste sveži i mladi. 76. You are God's conscious evolution and perfect manifestation. Ti si Božja svesna evolucija i savršeno ispoljavanje. 77. You dare to think of the world. That is why God is always cheerful. Ti se usuđuješ da misliš na svet. Zato je Bog uvek radostan. 78. You care for the world. That is why God has peace of mind. Tebi je stalo do sveta. Zato Bog ima duševni mir. 79. You claim God because your love owns Him. Ti prisvajaš Boga jer Ga tvoja ljubav poseduje. 80. You are tomorrow's God without fail. Ti si sutrašnji Bog, bez greške. 81. You are at once man's ever-increasing capacity and God's ever-illumining Reality. Ti si odjednom čovekova stalno rastuća sposobnost i Božja stalno prosvetljujuća Stvarnost. 82. You offer to God the strength of surrender. God offers to you the strength of Pride. Ti nudiš Bogu moć predaje. Bog tebi nudi moć Ponosa. 83. You have no substitute on earth. Unique is your Aspiration-Sea. You have no substitute in Heaven. Unique is your Illumination-Sun. Tebi na zemlji nema zamene. Jedinstveno je tvoje More Težnje. Tebi na Nebu nema zamene. Jedinstveno je tvoje Sunce Prosvetljenja. 84. You have proved your ability: God-realisation. You have proved your necessity: God-manifestation. Ti si dokazao svoju sposobnost: ostvario si Boga. Ti si dokazao svoju neophodnost: ispoljavaš Boga. 85. You do not advise, you act. You do not act, you achieve. You do not achieve, you eternally are. Ti ne savetuješ, ti delaš. Ti ne delaš, ti postižeš. Ti ne postižeš, ti večno jesi. 86. You are fighting against world-adversities. Lo, the little gods are making fun of you and the big God is admiring you. Ti se boriš protiv svetske bede. Gle, mali bogovi ti se podsmevaju, a veliki Bog ti se divi. 87. You talk less and say more. You remain silent and accomplish everything. Ti govoriš manje, a kažeš više. Ti ostaješ bez reči i postižeš sve. 88. You are God's beloved child. Needless to say, you are divinely great. You are man's beloved father. Needless to say, you are supremely good. Ti si Božje voljeno dete. Sivišno je reći, ti si božanski velik. Ti si čovekov voljeni otac. Suvišno je reći, ti si uzvišeno dobar. 89. You are the ladder for God's Compassion-Feet to descend and for man's aspiration-heart to ascend. Ti si lestvica kojom se Božja Stopala Samilosti spuštaju i kojima se čovekovo srce težnje uspinje. 90. You and impossibility, earthly or heavenly, never rhyme. Ti i nemogućnost, zemaljska ili Nebeska, nikad se ne rimujete. 91. You are Heaven's ceaseless sacrifice. You are earth's endless edifice. Ti si Nebesko neprestano žrtvovanje. Ti si zemaljsko beskrajno građenje. 92. You are the only human being on earth who thinks of nature-perfection, meditates on earth-perfection and shall achieve God-perfection. Ti si jedino ljudsko biće na zemlji koje misli o savršenstvu prirode, meditira na savršensto zemlje i postići će savršenstvo Božje. 93. You know what hell looks like, for the world-suspicion quite often takes you to hell. You know what Heaven is, for what else is Heaven if not your own heart? Ti znaš kako pakao izgleda, sumnjičavost sveta često te odvodi u pakao. Ti znaš šta je Raj, jer šta je drugo Raj, ako ne tvoje sopstveno srce? 94. You are God's fondest deer and man's most devoted donkey. Ti si Božji najdraži jelen i čovekov najodaniji magarac. 95. You are God's roaring Lion in the inner world and man's barking dog in the outer world. Ti si Božji Lav koji riče u unutrašnjem svetu i čovekov pas koji laje u spoljašnjem svetu. 96. You are needed by God to smile on His behalf. You are needed by man to cry on his behalf. Ti si potreban Bogu da se umesto Njega smeješ. Ti si potreban čoveku da umesto njega plačeš. 97. You are giant-abstinence. You are ocean-confidence. You are Truth-permanence. Ti si divovsko uzdržavanje. Ti si okeanska sigurnost. Ti si trajna Istina. 98. You alone know the price of God's Compassion-Feet and man's gratitude-heart. Ti jedini znaš cenu Božjih Stopala Samilosti i čovekovog srca zahvalnosti. 99. You are God's Beauty: beauty human, Beauty divine, Beauty supreme. This lofty truth shall forever remain unchallenged. Ti si Božja Lepota: lepota ljudska, Lepota božanska, Lepota svevišnja. Ova uzvišena istina nikad se ne može osporiti. 100. You constantly perform God's birthless and endless duties. Therefore, the desiring souls flatter you, the aspiring souls admire you and the realised souls treasure you. Ti stalno izvršavaš Božje dužnosti bez početka i kraja. Zbog toga ti laskaju željne duše, dive ti se težeće duše, a ostvarene duše te cene.