Knjiga 46

Sedamdeset-sedam hiljada stabala služenja, knjiga 46 (izbor)

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Naslovna strana knjige "Sedamdeset sedam hiljada stabala služenja", deo 46

Sedamdeset sedam hiljada stabala služenja, deo 46

45,002. Every day We can be grateful to God For giving us A human incarnation To reach the divine. 45,002. Svakog dana Možemo da budemo zahvalni Bogu Što nam je dao Ljudsku inkarnaciju Da dosegnemo Božansko. 45,004. Everyone has the right To be divinely joyful. 45,004. Svako ima pravo Da bude božanski radostan. 45,005. Each moment Is A God-blessed miracle. 45,005. Svaki trenutak Je Čudo, od Boga blagoslovljeno. 45,006. Each moment Can be regarded As a sacred opportunity To arrive At God's Heart-Home. 45,006. Svaki trenutak Možemo da smatramo Svetom prilikom Da odemo U Božji Srce-Dom. 45,010. To give Is to become In the very near future. 45,010. Dati Znači postati U vrlo bliskoj budućnosti. 45,011. Sound Is The journey's start. 45,011. Zvuk Je Početak putovanja. 45,012. Silence Is The journey's goal. 45,012. Tišina Je Cilj putovanja. 45,013. The mind may be tired, But the heart can never be tired Of praying to God. 45,013. Um će se možda umoriti, Ali srce nikad ne može da se umori Kad se moli Bogu. 45,014. Everything Is a God-Blessing- Either we accept or we reject. 45,014. Sve Je Božji Blagoslov - A mi možemo ili da prihvatimo ili da odbijemo. 45,022. Happiness depends Only on self-giving And not on anything else. 45,022. Sreća zavisi Jedino od samo-davanja I ni od čega drugog. 45,025. Do not surrender To circumstances- Never! 45,025. Ne predaj se Okolnostima - Nikad! 45,038. Do not compromise If you really want to make progress In the inner world. 45,038. Ne pravi kompromise Ako zaista želiš da napreduješ U unutrašnjem svetu. 45,056. Those who think ill Of themselves Are the greatest of all fools. 45,056. Oni koji misle loše O sebi Najveće su od svih budala. 45,057. O seeker, be blissful, Remain blissful, No matter what consciousness You are in. 45,057. O tragaoče, budi blažen, Ostani blažen, Bez obzira u kakvom si stanju Svesti. 45,062. Everything that is needed To please God Is within our easy reach. 45,062. Sve što je potrebno Da bi se ugodilo Bogu Stoji nam na dohvat ruke. 45,078. We cannot comply with all- We must try only to comply With the requirements Of our Inner Pilot. 45,078. Ne možemo da ispunimo svačije želje - Moramo jedino da pokušamo da zadovoljimo Potrebe Našeg Unutrašnjeg Pilota. 45,079. If you sing, Then sing with your Fully blossomed heart. 45,079. Ako pevaš, Onda pevaj svojim Potpuno rasvetanim srcem. 45,106. Cry like a child Until God the Mother Arrives. 45,106. Plači kao dete Dok Bog Majka Ne dođe. 45,113. God Himself Will map out your future- You do not have to worry! 45,113. Bog Lično Isplaniraće tvoju budućnost - Ti ne moraš da brineš! 45,124. There is no room For sentimentality In my life. 45,124. Nema mesta Za sentimentalnost U mom životu. 45,141. The heart Never wants Leadership. 45,141. Srce Nikad ne želi Vođstvo. 45,142. The heart Only loves Friendship. 45,142. Srce Voli samo Prijateljstvo. 45,150. The One whom we worship Is not above our head- He is deep within us. 45,150. Onaj kome se klanjamo Nije iznad naše glave - On je duboko u nama. 45,208. My Lord's Compassion-Eye Brought me to America, the New World, At the age of thirty-two, Not only to love the heart of America, But also to serve the life of America. Once I was permanently stationed In America, My Lord said to me: "America is too small for you, My child. You have to love Me and serve Me Throughout the length and breadth Of the world!" 45,208. Samilosno Oko mog Gospoda Dovelo me u Ameriku, Novi Svet, Kad sam imao trideset-dve godine, Ne samo da volim srce Amerike, Već i da služim život Amerike. Kad sam se stalno smestio U Americi, Moj mi je Gospod rekao: "Amerika je suviše mala za tebe, dete Moje. Moraš da Me voliš i da Me služiš Širom Celog sveta!" 45,221. My Lord Has only one Way: Simplicity. 45,221. Moj Gospod Ima samo jedan Način: Jednostavnost. 45,223. God gladly gives the full credit To me When He Himself achieves something In and through me. 45,223. Bog rado pripisuje meni Punu zaslugu Kad On Sam postigne nešto U meni i kroz mene. 45,224. The heart does not mind When the mind speaks ill Of the heart. 45,224. Srce ne mari Kad um govori loše O srcu. 45,225. The mind becomes furious When it sees the heart Is not paying any attention To the mind. 45,225. Um se razbesni Kad vidi da srce Ne obraća pažnju Na um. 45,258. God is cheerfully available Whenever I need Him. I shall be the same. 45,258. Bog je radosno na raspolaganju Kad god mi je potreban. I ja ću da budem takav. 45,285. When I am too serious, It becomes very difficult for God To act in and through me. 45,285. Kad sam suviše ozbiljan, Bogu bude vrlo teško Da deluje u meni i kroz mene. 45,342. To be simple Is A most difficult task. 45,342. Biti jednostavan Je Vrlo težak zadatak. 45,343. Without sincerity, It is not advisable To enter into the inner life. 45,343. Bez iskrenosti Nije preporučivo Ulaziti u duhovni život. 45,360. The higher we go, The more clearly we see What the world actually needs, And not what the world wants. 45,360. Što se više uspinjemo, Sve jasnije vidimo Šta svetu zapravo treba, A ne šta svet želi. 45,399. Ugly thoughts Are unacceptable- They go back to their owner. 45,399. Ružne misli Su neprihvatljive - One se vraćaju svom vlasniku. 45,405. We may not see Our guardian angels, But they do quite often Fly over us. 45,405. Možda ne vidimo Naše anđele zaštitnike, Ali oni vrlo često Lete iznad nas. 45,409. The Light That we are looking for Is deep within And nowhere else. 45,409. Svetlost Za kojom tragamo Duboko je unutra I nigde drugde. 45,424. Do not subdue your emotions- Illumine them. This is the correct way. 45,424. Ne potiskuj svoja osećanja - Prosvetli ih. To je ispravan način. 45,453. Our mind-eye Sees darkness-night Everywhere. 45,453. Oko našeg uma Vidi tamnu noć Posvuda. 45,454. Our heart-eye Sees beauty and light Everywhere. 45,454. Oko našeg srca Vidi lepotu i svetlost Posvuda. 45,479. Each self-giving act Brings us one step closer To God's Feet. 45,479. Svako nesebično delo Vodi nas korak bliže Božjim Stopalima. 45,482. God's Victory-Banner We must hoist, No matter what consciousness We are in. 45,482. Zastavu Božje Pobede Moramo da držimo uzdignutom Bez obzira u kakvoj smo Svesti. 45,498. If you are full of yourself, How can poor God Enter into your life? 45,498. Ako si pun sebe, Kako može jadni Bog Da uđe u tvoj život? 45,534. An unaspiring mind Means inner resistance To God's Will. 45,534. Um koji ne teži Znači unutrašnji otpor Božjoj Volji. 45,539. Cynicism and spirituality Must be like North Pole and South Pole. 45,539. Cinizam i duhovnost Moraju biti kao Severni pol i južni pol. 45,554. True love Cannot be built On compromise. 45,554. Prava ljubav Ne može se graditi Na kompromisu. 45,557. God-expectation Before life-perfection Is an absurdity. 45,557. Očekivati Boga Pre savršenog života Apsurdno je. 45,563. O seeker, Do not read any book Written by a negativity-mind. 45,563. O tragaoče, Ne čitaj ni jednu knjigu Koju je napisao negativan um. 45,568. My only desire Is not to go back To the desire-world Any more. 45,568. Moja jedina želja Je da se više Ne vratim U život želja. 45,588. I need intensity In my prayers. 45,588. Treba mi intenzitet U molitvama. 45,589. I need immensity In my meditations. 45,589. Treba mi prostranost U meditacijama. 45,618. My Lord wants from me My very best And, at the same time, My absolutely worst. He uses them both equally, In His own Way. 45,618. Moj Gospod želi od mene Moje apsolutno najbolje I, takođe, Moje apsolutno najgore. On ih oboje koristi podjednako, Na Njegov sopstveni Način. 45,621. I offer my loving heart. What else can I give To my Lord Supreme? 45,621. Nudim moje srce koje voli. Šta drugo mogu da dam Mom Gospodu Svevišnjem? 45,626. God loves my child-heart More than anything else. 45,626. Bog voli moje dečje srce Više od svega drugog. 45,633. The eyes may grow tired Of God's Beauty, But never the heart. 45,633. Oči se mogu umoriti Od Božje Lepote, Ali srce nikad. 45,655. To be carefree Is the sign of Inner strength. 45,655. Biti bezbrižan Znak je Unutrašnje snage. 45,656. To be careless Is, indeed, The height of stupidity. 45,656. Biti lakomislen, Je, pak, Vrhunac gluposti. 45,660. Our outer intolerance Weakans Our inner divine qualities. 45,660. Naša spoljašnja netolerantnost Oslabljuje Naše unutrašnje božanske osobine. 45,686. God has given me A soulful heart To hear Him singing. But, alas, I do not use my heart. 45,686. Bog mi je dao Dušeno srce Da Ga čujem kako peva. Ali, avaj, ja ne koristim moje srce. 45,687. God has given me Two perfect eyes To see Him dancing. But, alas, I do not use my eyes. 45,687. Bog mi je dao Dva savršena oka Da Ga vidim kako pleše. Ali, avaj, ja ne koristim moje oči. 45,698. A division-mind Will never experience The sweetness of the heart. 45,698. Um koji deli Nikad neće iskusiti Slatkoću srca. 45,714. Each time I come to God For the fulfilment of my desires, God smiles at me, But my soul gets furious. 45,714. Svaki put kad dođem Bogu Da ispuni moje želje, Bog mi se nasmeši, Ali moja duša se razbesni. 45,727. I love God, Not because God loves me. I love God precisely because That is the only thing That gives me joy. 45,727. Volim Boga, Ali ne zato što Bog voli mene. Volim Boga samo zato Što je to jedina stvar Koja mi pričinjava radost. 45,755. Stop thinking! Start loving God, From this very moment. 45,755. Prestani da razmišljaš! Smesta Počni da voliš Boga. 45,782. God has a special Plan for me. My eagerness for my own plan He does not appreciate! 45,782. Bog ima specijalan Plan za mene. Moju oduševljenost mojim sopstvenim planom Bog uopšte ne ceni! 45,876. How do you know the difference Between the mind and the heart? The heart sleeplessly extols God; The mind constantly brags And brags And brags. 45,876. Kako da znaš razliku Između uma i srca? Srce besano hvali Boga. Um se neprestano hvali I hvali I hvali. 45,880. God feels sad When I say that I am indispensable. 45,880. Bog se rastuži Kad kažem da Sam nezamenjiv. 45,884. Angry word-gifts I do not accept- They go back to their owner. 45,884. Ljutite reči na poklon Ne prihvatam - One idu nazad njihovom vlasniku. 45,993. The silence of the heart Begins When the noise of the mind Ends. 45,993. Tišina srca Počinje Kad brujanje uma Prestane. 45,959. Humour is A hidden wisdom. 45,959. Humor je Skrivena mudrost.


Preveo: Dejan Maksimović

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